Search library versus upcoming

My most common use of the search function is to see if I already have something in the library. Since my last app update, I can't seem to do a search of the library if there is an upcoming airing in the listings. Is there a way to prioritize library content in my search?

Search results are broken up into types now. The first two are upcoming airings. TV Shows and TV Movies.

The last three are from your library, Shows, Movies.

For Channels DVR 4.7.0 Live TV on my Android? I did a search for "Fatal Fixer Upper" while it was airing and could not figure out how to tell that it was already in my Library. I tried every way I could think of to get different results but regardless of which order I entered the search terms the results were ONLY the show that was airing.

If you don't see "Your Shows" then its not in your library.

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But it IS in my library and I don't see any "Your Shows" below the search box. I just see "TV Shows, TV Movies, Shows, Movies, and Episodes".

Shows is your shows.

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Okay, I think I got it. Thanks!

This is not very user friendly.
Just looking at the screen, there is no way to know the difference between "TV Shows" and "Shows".

The other day, my wife was looking for a show that we have on the DVR and she called me because she couldn't find it. She was looking in "TV Shows".

Finally, I suggested to her to check in "Shows" and it appeared. But I didn't even know because I don't use a TV client a lot, I spend more time on the server.

If it actually said "Your Shows" that would be more obvious, and more user friendly. :slightly_smiling_face:


Or Library Shows
As long as they don't change the term for your Library

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