Search option not working properly

Search option recommendations and movies tabs contain no entries.

Is there guide data? Does the Log tab show any errors?

There is guide data for 24 hours for each channel.

Log tab is at the top right (or bottom of the list on mobile)

i see several errors for dropping corrupted packets. To clarify I am receiving some recommended shows but no new shows/seasons or upcoming movies in the search tab.

Try clicking the circle refresh icon under your HDHR on the Settings tab of the web UI. Then look at the Log tab and make sure its not showing errors while downloading guide data. Once the guide data download is complete, see if search works as expected.

after refreshing guide and going to web ui got this message javascript error has occurred.TypeError: Cannot read property ‘10645327’ of undefined
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What browser are you using?


You should be able to SHIFT + Refresh in your browser to fix that error.

The “New Shows/Seasons” and “Upcoming Movies” views are based on favorited channels. If you favorite some channels you’re interested in, then results will appear there.

That is not intuitive but it worked great. i have another issue will post separately. thanks!