Seeing a lot of dropped frames only when playing YouTube videos

Lately, I’m seeing a lot of dropped frames when playing downloaded YouTube videos from Channels. I don’t see any dropped frames from recorded or live TV via TVE. I’m using the latest gen Apple TV 4K hardwired over gigabit Ethernet. I’m also running the latest beta build with default audio and video drivers selected.

Any thoughts?

If it's 4K VC1 then that's expected.

Could you provide a little insight? Will this change in the future?

VC1 isn't decoded in hardware (this is a limitation of the Apple TV for developers, not something we can change), so it has to be decoded in CPU, which is a bit too much for the CPU.

Can you verify the codec that your video is using. Find it in your Channels DVR Server web admin and view details on the video. Post the screenshot of the modal.

4k 60fps isn’t going to decode fast enough on an Apple TV.

Thanks for the info. From now on, I’ll just simply download my videos at 1080p instead of 4K and hopefully that will solve the dropped frames…