Select channel

How do I get it to record my show on the correct channel, it’s recording my pass on 113 instead of 13?

You can edit the pass to select a channel

If you only want a specific Series from a specific Channel than do what @chDVRuser said. Go to your pass, select the advanced tab, add condition channel == 13.

If you want to prioritize an entire channel but want to keep other channels as fallbacks then you would want to favorite the channel you want prioritized from the source --> channel lineup.

So this has to be done on the server pc not from the fire stick app? I don’t see any option there to select channel.

Yes, advanced pass functions such as specific channels or excluding channels would be done from the ChannelsDVR server web UI in a browser.

Setting a favorite prioritized channel can be done from the client via settings, manage sources.

You can always favor the channel you want to record on that way it will always select favored channel first. Setting the channel on the Pass you have to do it for every pass .. past and future.

It's not very well known but you can also do it in the "Simple" tab:

Good catch. I always forget about that and instantly go straight to the advanced tab for everything. Lol.

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