The following will create a manual recording to start at 24 January 2021 5:00PM PST, for a duration of 1 hour, on channel 123. The program will be recorded with a series title of "Manual recording", and this particular recording will appear as an episode of that series named "Recording title".
$ cat program.json
"Name": "Manual recording",
"Time": 1611536400,
"Duration": 3600,
"Channels": ["123"],
"Airing": {
"Source": "manual",
"Channel": "123",
"Time": 1611536400,
"Duration": 3600,
"Title": "Manual recording",
"EpisodeTitle": "Recording title",
"Summary": "Recording description goes here ...",
"Image": "",
"SeriesID": "999999999",
"Raw": ""
$ DVR_IP= curl -XPOST --data-binary @program.json "http://${DVR_IP}:8089/dvr/jobs/new"