Server Admin UI issues, lag, freezing, & Activity status odd behavior

Updated server to 2024.08.18.1946 and on the WebUI, the Activity indicator, is exhibiting odd behavior.

EDIT: Now web pages are freezing/not responsive/lagging in Chrome based browsers for me. Am seeing a bit of this in FireFox, but to a much lesser degree.

It is flashing just for sec that something(the last thing i played on my client) is playing when there is not.
Rebooted both server and client. Still does it.
If i turn off/sleep my Apple TV, the server still shows this.

server diags sent c1e385d-7fd3-4318-8085-cf3e58ecd0b6

ANything about this?

It does it even when i am watching something else.

It seems to always be flashing just for a sec, alot, the last episode of Mythbusters i had watched.
Both ep 10 and 11 have been watched and deleted, but this Activity status keeps flashing that i am watching it, even when i am watching some thing else in my video groups that is not Mythbusters.

That Watching Mythbusters... from Apple TV at 0s.
It just flashes ever several seconds, randomly, even when the Apple tv is off. Even when the ATV is disconnected from the network.
Its a blink and you miss it, but...odd bug?

I did update server to 2024.08.19.2022, and app to beta 8.19.2154, and this odd behavior stopped for a short time, until i started playing anything again...and it persists.
Is this normal for it to show last played thing for a split sec every few to several secs?

It does this for anything i watch. It always flashes the last thing, or couple things, i watched like that.
The little icon on the top toolbar of the Server Admin also flashes yellow for sec.

And it does it in any browser I try even ones that I’ve never loaded the web admin before Or mobile ,and I’ve cleared cash and cookies in browser as well just for kicks and giggles

I am seeing the same thing in Microsoft Edge, and it slows down the browser, it's very slow to react to mouse clicks.

For another set of logging data:
Logs have been submitted as fb673aaa-52ff-4974-b330-c22364a107c2 .

I can only guess that this may have something to do with, v2024.08.18.1946 "Backend http server updates"?

Yea... something is for sure messed up here. I tried in Brave, Chrome.

The Server Admin UI becomes fully unusable after about 30 sec or so when viewing the Log page and Guide pages for example.

EDIT: I may have spoke too soon about not affecting FireFox, see the Activity thing in FF, (though much less often) and got some lag, especially loading the page of all my Shows/Recordings.

Ok, browsers are now just showing very slowly, things i watched earlier, as those "flashes"
It stays displayed for several seconds or sometimes unless i refresh the page, or sometimes is a quick flash.

wtf is going on here???

Now it shows I am watching 3 things, but i am not watching one is.

It is like, all these event triggers are in a que, and the server UI Activity display is just slowly processing and displaying them. They are appearing in the exact order that i played things. Or any client plays things. It just takes a loong time for it to process and display.
I have even fully unplugged the Apple TV for 5 min, still saw some Activity messages.


Confirmed activity is acting weird since v2024.08.18.1946

Fixed. Thanks for the bug report.

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Fix confirmed. Thanks!