Server on shield

Ok I sideloaded the Beta Version and with a few minor expectations its working. I understand this is apple first Software, but Android/Shield users also pay for it. My questions are why would the Beta work but there are issues getting the release to work? Do I need to somehow shut off updates for channels DVR or will it upgrade the beta version correctly?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: DVR server not working after Shield 9.0.0 update

I would assume since i opted in and downloaded the Beta Version from the Play store and installed it already I am good? (Yes my apps auto-Update) thanks

Dang, I read that completely wrong. I'm sorry. In the DVR server description, you can also opt into the beta program.

You'll have to do the same for the server, a sideloaded version will never update.

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Long pressing the update button will also force an update

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