Server updater bug

We are testing a fix based on your observation that it doesn't work when idle. I will let you know when its pushed to prerelease.


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is it ready?

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Got the same thing over here. Hopefully, a new version will help fix this so I too am waiting for that

We would like some assistance in testing out a fix. This is going to be a slightly involved process to get it to work.

Option 1

  1. Make a backup of your DVR
  2. Make a copy of C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest
  3. Stop the DVR service
  4. Download and replace C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest\channels-dvr.exe
  5. Start the DVR service
  6. Attempt to do an update to the latest version
  7. Submit diagnostics and make note of the ID

Option 2

If that didn't allow you to upgrade, try this next:

  1. Stop the DVR service
  2. Download and replace C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest\channels-dvr.exe
  3. Start the DVR service
  4. Attempt to do an update to the latest version
  5. Submit diagnostics and make note of the ID

Please let us know if either of these worked for you.

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option 1

2024/01/27 15:32:24.738551 [SYS] Downloading new version v2024.01.26.1803
2024/01/27 15:32:34.258824 [SYS] Error checking for update: rename C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\2024.01.26.1803 C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\latest: Access is denied.

option 2:

2024/01/27 15:39:19.793960 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20240127.203918
2024/01/27 15:39:19.795585 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20240113.215334
2024/01/27 15:39:41.649443 [SYS] Downloading new version v2024.01.26.1803
2024/01/27 15:39:50.111264 [SYS] Update downloaded and verified successfully.
2024/01/27 15:39:50.855588 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20240127.203950
2024/01/27 15:39:50.857203 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20240114.215934
2024/01/27 15:39:50.869058 [SYS] Shutting down for upgrade from v2024.01.25.2354 to v2024.01.26.1803
2024/01/27 15:39:51.721285 [SYS] Bonjour service stopped.
2024/01/27 15:39:51.804079 [DVR] Recording engine stopped.
2024/01/27 15:39:52.844395 [SYS] Goodbye.
2024/01/27 15:39:53.282063 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2024.01.26.1803 (windows-x86_64 pid:31668) in C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data
2024/01/27 15:39:54.909173 [SYS] Started HTTP Server on 8089
2024/01/27 15:39:55.432938 [HDR] Found 2 devices


@techpro2004 That's great news!

I believe that if you try to upgrade again, it will fail again (because v2024.01.26.1803 does not have the fix), so if you could go through the steps of Option 2 again, the latest build that has just shipped will have the fix and should resolve your issues going forward.

Thanks. What was the issue?

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It appears there's something about some versions of Windows where it will report back to a parent process that a child process has finished running when, in fact, it has not completely finished.

We added support for a check before we upgrade to make sure that the new binary can run successfully and that check was running into this issue.

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thanks. Glad it is resolved.

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lately, it fails on the first try but works on the second. logs below.

2024/02/03 18:40:36.092836 [SYS] Downloading new version v2024.02.03.0643
2024/02/03 18:40:45.335514 [SYS] Error checking for update: safety check failed:

2024/02/03 18:41:00 [Recovery] 2024/02/03 - 18:41:00 panic recovered:
write tcp> wsasend: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.[email protected]/render/json.go:58 (0xa21ff5)[email protected]/context.go:899 (0xa27a13)[email protected]/context.go:942 (0x1a983ae) (0x1a972f2)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0x1a42eb2) (0x1a42bb9)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0x1a42b26) (0x1a42b14)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa240ca) (0x1a427eb)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0x1a423d7) (0x1a41a72)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa303b9)[email protected]/recovery.go:107 (0xa303a7)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa2f59d)[email protected]/logger.go:240 (0xa2f560)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa240ca)[email protected]/sessions.go:54 (0x1a4547c)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa240ca)[email protected]/gzip.go:47 (0x1a45704)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0x1ad43e2) (0x1ad43d0)[email protected]/context.go:169 (0xa2e6fa)[email protected]/gin.go:598 (0xa2e38d)[email protected]/gin.go:554 (0xa2ded1)
net/http/server.go:2938 (0x5d882d)
net/http/server.go:2009 (0x5d4253)
runtime/asm_amd64.s:1650 (0x314340)

2024/02/03 18:41:15.178245 [SYS] Downloading new version v2024.02.03.0643
2024/02/03 18:41:21.904043 [SYS] Update downloaded and verified successfully.
2024/02/03 18:41:22.470860 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20240203.234121
2024/02/03 18:41:22.472892 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20240121.050258
2024/02/03 18:41:22.478950 [SYS] Shutting down for upgrade from v2024.01.31.0603 to v2024.02.03.0643
2024/02/03 18:41:23.250711 [SYS] Bonjour service stopped.
2024/02/03 18:41:23.287994 [DVR] Recording engine stopped.
2024/02/03 18:41:24.572355 [SYS] Goodbye.
2024/02/03 18:41:25.105071 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2024.02.03.0643 (windows-x86_64 pid:47952) in C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data
2024/02/03 18:41:28.284184 [SYS] Started HTTP Server on 8089
2024/02/03 18:41:28.820236 [HDR] Found 2 devices

Are you running any anti-virus software?

yes, norton and malwarebytes. plus I use pfblocker on my router.

The only time we’ve seen that failure without any output it has been an anti virus package blocking it from running.

so how should I set up my exclusions.

Honestly, I bet you that it's Norton being the problem...and I would honestly go and disable that and use windows defender instead. Norton is trash as an anti-virus (trust me I used it)

Over the years I've seen enough problems caused by Norton, that I consider Norton to be malware itself.

Norton and McAfee

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:point_up:+1 !

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