Set Number of Backups Kept

By default it looks like Channels takes a backup of certain DB tables daily and stores 30 days of those. I'd like to be able to adjust the number of backups stored e.g. 7 days. This is because I pay for storage used for my cloud backups and just like to limit the amount of data stored.

Can you give more detail about how the number of backups we store relates to the amount of storage you use for your cloud backup solution?

Are you backing up your video content as well?

Sure. I run Channels and CloudBerry backup in Dockers on unRAID. I configure the Channels backup directory in CB as a source and it pushes things to Backblaze daily. Each day of Channels backup looks to be about 4.5M, so it's not a big deal. Really what I'd like to keep offsite are the season passes and watched history. I do not store the recordings.