Set Priority 'Times" for recordings

New Episodes of The Walking Dead Air at 9pm, PST on AMC.

Normally, I'd record it at that time.

But, I see the same 'new' episode is aired again at times other than 9pm on Sundays.

Due to the lack of any Conflict control (as far as I can tell), is there a way to force Channels to NOT record these episodes at 9pm, but prefer to record them during non "Prime Time" hours, so as to free up tuners for shows during prime time hours that do not have the luxury of being re-aired that same week during non Prime Hours?

Or, can I set the lowest priority I can for "The Walking Dead", and hope these new episodes get recorded from one of the multiple re-airings outside of "Primetime hours, if no tuners are available when it first airs as new?

Thank you,

You could try using the advanced rule editor on the web UI to add a condition of the rule to be "tag != new". Although, that may record all episodes. Perhaps better is to just put that program at the bottom of the priority list.