Setting to turn off skip commercial dialog box?

@tmm Is there any chance of getting a setting in the Apple TV app to turn off the skip commercial dialog that comes up? If commercial detection were perfect, it would be helpful. As it is, it gets in the way of me viewing the timeline (to see if I want to skip), sometimes comes up where there isn’t a commercial and sometimes surprises me by coming up in the middle of a double tap.

It’s my bad for not speaking up during the beta. I stupidly assumed it would be an option when it was released.

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I second the request. The “Skip Commercial” feature is interfering with the way I prefer to watch recordings, so I wonder whether an option could be provided to turn it off.

I use an Apple TV and Harmony remote. When a commercial occurs I prefer to use the DirectionRight command to skip forward 30 seconds, which causes the timeline to appear. Seeing the timeline allows me to judge whether the commercial detection worked. If it did I can then use the SkipForward command to skip the commercial. If the timeline indicates that a segment of the show was mistakenly marked as a commercial I can just skip forward in 30 second increments in order to not miss the mismarked segment. When the ”Skip Commercial” button is displayed, skipping by 30 seconds and viewing the timeline no longer works.

Another problem with the feature is that I cannot exit the recording while the “Skip Commercial” button is displayed. I often want that: to bail out of local news before the sports segment or to quit a talk show after the guest I was interested in finishes.

I use Channels the same way as lyledvr and am having the same issues. Another request to disable this feature as it is now.

Add my voice to the list. That "Skip Commercial" button comes up when the show is still on and interferes with viewing. We already know that double clicking the AppleTV remote will skip commercials, we don't need a big huge block showing up on the screen. The other problem is you can't pause or stop or anything while this button is displayed. This is pretty much unacceptable, as it interferes with normal operation. Please either remove it or give us the ability to disable it.

There is a new option to turn off the button in the latest beta, and we are working on pushing releases to the App Store

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