Setting Up Channels DVR on UGREEN NAS

Hello... just got Channels up and running on my new UGREEN NAS which has it's own Docker implementation so I thought I'd write up a quick set of directions to show how I got it working since following the standard Docker/Portainer directions did not work for me.

Step 1: If you are migrating an installation, copy all your files over to the UGREEN NAS, keeping the "DVR" directory intact the way it is in your current NAS installation.

Step 2: Make sure you install the "Docker" app on your UGREEN NAS. Open it.

Step 3: Click on "Image" and navigate to "Image Database" and search "channels-dvr"... you'll want to select the one labeled "fancybits/channels-dvr". If you need TVE access, see Step 3a.

Step 3a (For TVE access): Click on "Local Images" > New Image > From Package Source. Select "By URL" in the Search Method box. The URL to search is:

Step 3a continued: Click "Confirm"

Step 4: Once your package has downloaded, navigate to "Container" on the right hand side of the Docker app and select "New Container" > Manual Creation. Select the fancybits image you downloaded in Step 3 and click "Next".

Step 5: Select "Yes" for the restart question and make sure you navigate to the folder on your UGREEN NAS where you copied your DVR folder.

Step 6: Navigate to the "Network" tab and select "Host".

Step 7: On the "Advanced" tab, scroll down and select "Enabled" for Privileged Mode. Then, you can finally click "Done."

Step 8: You can now navigate to your IP:8089 and follow the "Restore" option or set up as new, depending on your situation.

Hope this tutorial helps some folks!