Settings still show Library instead of Home

In a possibly related issue, the "Library" option is missing from the navigation bar. It seems to have been replaced by "Home", even though it is still listed as Library in the Settings menu. Is that right? I'm not sure why the Library content would be showing up under Home.

They keep changing things to keep us on our toes :grin:

LOL But Library makes more sense than Home.

Can you please provide a screenshot of where you see Library in settings?

These should be changed.

Library was renamed Home, the change is as simple as that.

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Exactly. "Home" doesn't really make sense to me in this context.

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Just make sure you don't hit the home button on your remote.

Hmm that should have been handled. We’ll take a look at it.

This is an example of why the Channels library menu option shouldn't be called Home. The Home button on my remote takes me to Android TV Home, which it should.

Could you explain why you change the name of something that made sense into something that doesn't?

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This has been explained in the past already.

The reasoning behind renaming the "Library" section to "Home" is that our "Library" section did not represent its title. Other media apps' "Library" tabs or sections are usually a direct hierarchical browser of all the media in the library..

Our "Library" section did not do that. Instead, it is more of a summary of your library with jumping off points. This more reflects the main section of other media apps, or their "Home" sections/screens.

We renamed it to reflect this.

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OK, I hardly ever use a Channels Client, but to me HOME suggests the TOP of the hierarchy for the app where everything the app is about is under that TOP level. Like a Site Map on a website.
But what I'm seeing on the latest iOS Beta under HOME is;

  • Up Next
    Movies, TV Shows, Recordings
  • Recently Updated
  • Recently Added Movies

Most of which I'll never use

Is that how it's supposed to look?

I get your point that it isn't a traditional library view, but I would still argue that it is much more of a library than it is a Home screen. It is a Home screen for your library, but not for the app as a whole. There is more to Channels than just the library.

I agree and you can't argue semantics with the developers. They do what they want and you adjust.
They think differently than a lot of their users and have their own vision for what it will become.
We're just along for the ride!

Technically a Library is what you have already.

Yeah I gave up on using the ChannelsDVR APP for my personal Viewing. I will test the betas when they come out but that is about it. I cannot find a rhyme or reason for latest Ui updates. UPNEXT is a real hassle ... I like to be presented with continue watching but that goes away with new recordings.

But they do make a great DVR Server .... :+1: :+1: :+1:

:+1: :clap:

Out of interest, what do you use instead?

Yea, it's not a home screen.

Calling it "Home" would make much more sense if it included different types of content and served as an overview for everything. For example, it could have a "What's On Now" section that shows what's on your 5-10 most watched channels (configurable).

In addition to that, it could show recently added TV Content or Movie Content (all configurable).

It could have a section that shows programs you started watching but haven't finished. Similar to up next, but that has always been hit or miss to me where content rotates off too quick.

A lot of UI design is simply common sense. And the best UI has an element of intuitiveness to it. I've worked in software UI design before so I'm not just some rando spouting off opinions, but whatever.

This should be fixed in the latest beta and it should now correctly say "Home"

I still find this change incredibly annoying. I can't get used to it being called Home and I still find myself looking for the Library tab. Will I (and the rest of my family who has also complained about it) eventually get used to it? Probably. But that doesn't make it any better of a design decision. It just doesn't make sense.