Share DVR with other users

This has been requested at least twice

Here and Here

But essentially, I would like the ability for other people to make an account and be able to access my DVR, but with custom permissions.

Right now one of my friends is using my username and password to access my DVR on their TV, but this means they can delete shows and stuff. I'd like for them to have their own account without permissions for things such as deleting shows or editing tuner settings.

Channels is a family based media system designed for home use with the ability to watch while away. It is not designed for sharing content with friends. If you'd like to share content with friends across the Internet, you might want to check out Plex.

If you want to help your friends, help them set up their own Channels system as you probably already know how easy and stable it is.


My friends are jerks and I don’t want to share anything with them. But if I did, it’s easy enough to stand up a Plex server, point it at my libraries and give them access. If you’re already using Docker, it’s super duper easy if your friends are worth the trouble. My friends are too stupid to figure out how to use Plex, so I’d be taking on a tech support nightmare that wouldn’t end well.

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I remember Sharing EMBY with a friend they proceeded to record everything under the Sun and used up all the tuners and space. Needless to say, I stopped sharing anything with them.


I'd pay an extra monthly fee for the ability to have user profiles. I guess one could do this now if they wanted to set up two separate ChannelsDVR Server, but I'd pony up to not have to do that, and have User Profiles.


I'd like to see the ability to run and switch between multiple instances of a Channels DVR server on your account. Without having to manually log in to the server you want to watch each time via IP. I know they don't want "sharing" and that's fine but I'm a paying customer and both of the servers are under my direct control and use only. Why not give me an easy switcher? Especially since I'm paying you money.

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Makes perfect sense to me.