Show episode info after completion

On the Apple TV app, after you finish watching a show, the next thing you see is the detailed info dialog about the episode, and you can easily delete it after watching with a couple of clicks on the remote. As you know. :wink:

When using the iPad app, after I finish watching an episode and tap “Done”, I’m taken back to the main DVR page. At this point, it’s a bit of a pain to delete the episode I just watched. It’s no longer in “Up Next” (since I just watched it) - so I need to find the show in “recently recorded”, then go to the episode in question, and then I can tap more and delete.

I think I would prefer something closer to what the Apple TV app does - so when I tap “Done” after watching an episode, maybe go back to the dialog with the episode details and the “More” button, so I can delete the episode quickly with a couple of taps. Or, maybe a pop up or something after watching that asks if I want to delete. Or anything, really, to avoid having to track the episode down amidst all of the shows in “Recently Recorded”...


Totally agree!

Reviving my own topic an otherwise amazing app, this is one of those things that annoys me a little bit every single day. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to delete an episode in the iOS apps after watching them (from the Library), without tracking down the show, listing all of the episodes, and deleting the one I watched.

Is there some setting I’m missing somewhere, or something?