Silicondust HDHomeRun Scribe 4K and Channels DVR

I am considering purchasing a Silicondust HDHomeRun Scribe 4K today and I would like to confirm that it works with Channels DVR.

I have experience with HDHR DUO, Quatro, ATSC3, but before getting the HDHR Scribe 4K I would like to confirm that it will work as expected with Channels DVR.

If you are going to use it for Channels why get the Scribe ? The Scribe is to be used with HDHomeRun DVR .... Channels cannot use the storage.

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" Channels cannot use the storage" was the answer I was looking for. Thank you. Doesn't work with Channels.

I have a Scribe and only use it for HDHomeRun DVR ... But I can use the tuners in Channels DVR.

Similar to the SiliconDust HDHomeRun HDFX-4K (ATSC3) which offers a USB connector for external hard-drive storage but while the tuners work with Channels DVR, the USB out does not.


You would need a device that could run the Channels DVR Server app and have storage, internal or external, to store the buffer and/or recording.