Slow loading time

I have been using channels for a few years and lately I have run into an irritating problem. On my Apple TVs, after I select Channels, it takes at least a minute to load with the message "Loading' being displayed. If I exit channels and go to another app and then come back to Channels, it takes another minute to load again. I am running the TvOs 18.1 release on a 2021 Apple 4K TV 64GB version using a Synology 218+ with 6 gigs. I have several other Apple TVS of similar vintage and it happens with all of them. All are hardwired with Gig eithernet. Should I consider deleting the app off the server and starting over. I do have some saved shows and lots of passes, but I can recreate them. There is no indication of a drive problem on the Synology. It works perfectly when I stream movies using Infuse. How do I save my passes should I decide to delete everything and start over?

Solved!!!! - I was loading two RTSP Cameras and once I deleted them, everything returned to normal

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