Smart Detection for Stadium

Any plans to add smart detection (again) to Stadium (104950)? I know that its been jettisoned from TVE but its still there on FAST services and theres this banner ad that will countdown the commercial time that throws off comskip everytime it tries to detect commercials and it prevents any commercials from being detected.

I like the smart detection feature as it bypasses the need to use comskip detection for channels like those (and uses less resources) so I would like it to be added to this channel. Cheers?

I'm guessing it depends on your source for that channel.
My understanding of the smart detection is that it will be used if the stream is compatible (unless the devs blacklist that stream).

Stadium (104950) OTA HD listings just show OFF AIR. Stadium Stream (113991) matches their website feed and schedule.

comskip has a problem because the bottom banner is always there (during programs and ad breaks) with their logo on the lower left

where their logo on the upper right only appears during the programs

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