Smithsonian Channel Missing from TVE on YTTV

Try this, find a channel number not being used( I’m using 250 in the example) create a custom channel source, name it smithguidedata, choose HLS, text, copy and paste this


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="250" tvg-id="250" tvg-chno="250" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="58532" tvg-name="Smithsonian HD",SMTHHD

Choose prefer channel number from m3u
Go to your source(hdmi capture)for your Smithsonian channel and hit manage lineup scroll to 9001 and hit pencil search all for SMTHHD

If it is there, assign it.
Now go back to source smithguidedata, manage lineup and hide channel 250 with the void button

There is probably a better way to do this but with the info you have provided this is the best I can do

SUCCESS! I had the station-id, but not the tvg-name in my EXTM3U file and because of that, I didn't find the SMTHHD when looked in the manage lineup list. That was the missing piece. Thanks so much for your help, Rice. You've made my day :slight_smile: