Some TVE channels no login form found (WOW)

I have several channels that do not show up when scanning with WOW! as my provider.

Here are a few I found

  • animal planet
  • bbc america
  • cooking channel
  • diy
  • tlc

The logs show: Channel scan 76/208 ANIMAL-PLANET failed: "no login form found"
The same channels work for my provider Philo

New diagnostic log submitted under 63d8b371-237f-4288-b6ae-d377e812620a

This appears to be most of them having the issue.

I had the same problem. I had to install Google Chrome or chromium. Then it worked.

I have Chrome installed, but I think this is a different issue. Because a lot of other ones work, but certain ones do not.

I have the same problem (Spectrum). What operating system/hardware are you running Channels?

Please rescan one of the channels that had the "no login form found" error and then submit diagnostics right after that and let us know the ID. We'll check it out.

Aman asked me to do the same thing earlier via email.

I just did a rescan on Animal Planet and submitted diagnotics - ee451ac8-c882-48cb-9073-804f563414c8

Windows 10

Thanks for indicating Windows 10.

From what I can tell the majority of the channels are Discovery Network and AMC Network stations.

Any progress on this?

The issue with WOW was fixed in the latest prerelease.

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So it appears to have fixed the same problem I was having accessing these stations. What exactly was the fix?

The fix was specific to the login form WOW uses.