Sorting a large Movie Library

So my movie library is fairly large now. So finding a movie requires a search which is horrible on a FireTV.

Is there any way to sort by date added? There is a drop down menu with that parameter but it doesn’t really work.

What I’d like is for the “recently added” section to list by date added but it does not. I can download a title and it’s anybody’s guess where the title appears in the recently added section. It could appear on page 1 or page 6.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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If you have a large library, consider turning on Enhanced Library Browsing.

Channels Support - Enhanced Library Browsing

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I have enhanced library active already. I was hoping someone would have a tip on how to make recently added section list titles according to the time date they were actually added.

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You want a Library Collection:

Sort by Date Added is literally one of the options:


You could make something generic for your filter to get all movies, maybe like "watched is false".

It certainly is an option but it appears to have no effect on my sort order in recently added. I have not tried it otherwise.

Sounds like a bug. Because on tvOS, at least for me, the Date Added sort under All Movies works as expected, by the date the movies were added to my library. And the “Recently Added” section shows the same.

Is the sorting for “recently added” movies also wrong on the webUI for Channels DVR server?

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Doesn’t work on my Win 11 PC and it doesn’t work on my iPhone either. Sorts Alphabetically

Doing some checking the sort is not alphabetical but close. But I added a PlayOn download on Friday. Titled “Trinity and beyond…” should be first on the list but its toward the bottom. File creation dates are correct. Really odd. In lieu of that working perhaps a small tab sidebar abcd…z would be helpful.

I'm having the same experince on Windows 11 servers. I've re-installed Channels, the OS, even switched to a completely seperate Windows 11 machine and have tried to sort by date and nothing seems to work. I've resorted to creating my own Personal sections for home and Movies to remove the recently added section as it never updates correctly. I've sent diagnostics, but can't seem to get any movement in the threads where I've reported it.

I guess it’s not a problem with small libraries but I have integrated everything to channels. Trying to find a specific title is crazy hard. We have FireTvs and trying to search on them requires the patience of Jobe. Search is limited to 3 letters at a time then you have to go back to search for another 3 letters again and again. So for a 12 letter title you have to go back into search 4 times. There is some QR thing but why even have a search feature with these limitations?

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3 letters is actually pretty good! You must type fast. :laughing:

On a TiVo Stream 4K, you can barely type 2 letters, if you're lucky, and then the search field closes. Then you have to reopen the search and continue while you can.

I've heard my wife bitch about this more than once when she wants to find one of hundreds of Hallmark movies.

As you said, finding a movie in a large library is a real pain (to put it very nicely) on Android clients.

I feel your pain, @jfpetesn.

When I have more time, I will report the bug in detail.

Unfortunately, that is the world we currently live in. Only way to survive is to lower our expectations to a kindergarten level and be happy with the gruel they serve.

Yeah that sucks real pain in the ass to only be able to search for 3 letters at a time makes no sense.

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