In the guide, when an event is on ESPN or any other channel, if it is say, college gameday leading into a basketball game, it will not show up under the guide in the "Sports" section because it isnt playing at that exact moment.
example: ESPN2 is airing an episode of 30 for 30, which will not show up in the sports section of the guide, because it isnt sports. That episode ends at 12:59pm, and there is a basketball game between Iowa and Iowa State scheduled to air at 1:00pm.
If I go into the guide and sort by sports at 12:59, it wont return the Iowa/Iowa State game, NOR the ESPN2 channel because it isnt "currently airing."
at 1:00pm however, it will show up!
Is there a way to have the Sports section return results for any "channels" if there is/are a sports event scheduled to air in the next 30 minutes, on that channel?