Sports Category

Really great job on this DVR, you guys are very talented! I do have a request. Can recorded Sports get its own category and not grouped in with TV Shows? Love the Team Pass! Also, can there be an option to hide the “Up Next” heading in Recordings on client apps. I know some may like the “Up Next” heading, so I am asking for it to be an option to hide it. Personally, for me, the only headings in “Recordings” I would like are, TV Shows, Movies, & Sports.

Now for a couple bugs I like to report. 1. The Live TV time position indicator line on Android TV (Shield) does not move when you time shift back. It always stays to furthest right in time. 2 On the Android phone app, in Recordings, there is a header “Recently Recorded”, but when you click “More>” it is for TV Shows. Thank you for the great DVR/Apps and please give my requests consideration.

There is a hacky way to do this right now, by opening each show in the DVR web UI and setting it as hidden in Up Next.

Huh, that's unexpected. I will check.

This is the current behavior. What did you expect it to do?

Well it says Recently Recorded, however recently recorded Movies never show up there, only TV Shows. It would make more sense to change the header Recently Recorded to TV Shows.

Thank you!

Not sure if it's the same as being referenced here, but I've noticed something similar to this, too.

When pausing a live stream, the progress indicator continually moves to the right, showing the current position as "Now" rather than when Pause was pressed. (So, if I pressed Pause at 11:14, and 3 minutes have elapsed, the progress indicator on the screen will show the current position at 11:17 rather than remaining at 11:14.) This only seems to happen at the first time Pause is pressed; if the progress indocator is brought up again (whether by Fast-Forwarding, Pausing, or any other means) it tends to show the proper location on the indicator (with a slightly different color for the time remaining).

I've noticed this while accessing the DVR remotely on 2.1.12 on a FireTV Pendant 4K.