Spouse friendly - whats your wife think?

So, I’ve installed Channels DVR and my wife is used to using SkyQ in the UK and other friendly commercial PVR systems.
The main question she asks me is 'Why can’t I use a remote control with numbers on" to change to different channels.
Im unsure how she will adapt to just using the ATV4 remote and the different touch functions. Do you think the silver remote is more ‘spouse friendly’?

What does your wife / spouse think of Channels DVR??

Thanks (:smile:

This has come up on the forum before. See Channel button on remote

A lot of people use either Harmony or other old-school IR remotes with their ATV and Channels. However, due to limitations of tvOS, we can’t support the number keys on these remotes :disappointed:

Well, my wife doesn’t watch a lot of tv, but one day she called me (on the phone from the media room) and said she couldn’t find the remote. I showed her the apple remote and told her how it worked for live TV and apps. She complained “ I don’t know why you always have to mess with stuff”, but after the second time walking her through it, she was fine. Hulu profiles caused her a bigger headache . She one time was trying to switch profiles and logged out of the app completely and and to watch me type in a 20 char password from lastpass on the ATV. She complained the whole time.

I need to make silly little electronic gizmos with my boys and she needs to buy more books than she should. After 24 years, she has given up and just accepted change is going to happen when things have power cords, and I have to keep building book shelves.


My wife complained constantly about it not having a grid guide. She’s used the grid once since it was released!

It’s funny how people get used to --and like-- things without even realizing it.


The pull down channel switcher for favorites really helps. Just set most channels you watch as a favorite, swipe down on the Siri remote or push down on a learned remote, and the favorites channels will be listed there. My wife uses that all the time, and the double play to switch back to the previous channel.

My wife and kids haven’t had a problem. We use a Harmony remote though. Hardly did channel numbers anyway when we used WMC. Having the favorites set up is key. Just wish there was PIP when using the channel grid.

I gave this a :heart: because I couldn’t give it a hug.

Fortunately my wife is far too busy to look at this forum. But seems to have made the transition from eyetv fairly seamlessly.