Are you saying by installing the drivers in the link you provided it will only work with 22.04
Those drivers work with 22.04 and when installed correctly will allow for hardware transcoding on Ubuntu server 22.04. There have been reports that the drivers come already packaged in server version 24.10 but 24.10 is not a LTS release meaning long term support.
Ubuntu desktop 22.04 and desktop 24.04 comes with drivers already installed ready to go for hardware transcoding.
Excellent Guide Thank You. I just have one question after installing Ubuntu and installing channels dvr on a 512 GB hard drive channels dvr only has 85 GB of storage. During the install i did say use full disk space
Got it, Thanks. I tried on 22.04, and it did not work for me. I think I will install 22.04 for now. I have to reinstall it anyway on 512GB hard drive channels that only had 85 GB storage. I am sure I selected to use full disk
Correction: I tried on 24.04
Find out your drive id by running
Then resize the correct drive with this substituting your drive id instead of sdX#
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdX#
You could try this before nuking the install
sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu--vg/ubuntu--lv
sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu--vg/ubuntu--lv
WOW, Thanks, I will try it tomorrow. I currently have a working system on my Synology NAS
@ Rice, I got out of going to doggy daycare. I followed your procedure, and now hardware transcoding is working in Channel DVR. Thanks Again for providing all the information necessary to get it up and running for me. Now I have to get my hard drive partition figured out. I did google it, and I do see it is a known issue.
Did the two commands above not extend the space? I had the same issue as you and fixed it but can’t remember the exact steps I took.
His screenshot image shows ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv
Might be easier if he could copy/paste the text.
Sent a pm so we don’t load this thread up trying to solve.
Thanks.. I’ve followed along. But when I go to sudo chown max:max /media/dvr I get a list of all the files on the drive with operation not permitted. Any thoughts
When o do /media/dvr$ ls
I get the following:
Database. Images imports logs movies streaming tv
I’m able to do nano test and sudo nano test write and remove.
I’m just unable to change ownership
Im not sure honestly. I had to chatgpt this one as it has be stumped
I think I just found the problem. I’m trying to take ownership of an expat drive and I just read where that is an operation that’s not permitted that way.
Since my Windows 10 machine has become increasingly problematic, not to mention support is ending later this year, I decided to consider Linux and found this thread helpful.
I did run into an issue installing Ubuntu Server on that machine as it would hang on the language selection screen. I tried many fixes, but it appears related to the graphics card so I ended up installing Ubuntu Server on a similar but different machine with onboard video.
I've got it mostly configured how I want it short of moving a few drives around and it's running great.