Stop button MIA in browser player

This is the 4th or 5th time this has happened this month, so figured I'd report it.
Watching a TVE channel live in the web browser (selected from the grid guide) and the Stop button goes missing.
Possibly the result of switching away from the browser or opening another browser tab while it's playing, or paused.
I can get it back by refreshing the web page (which then makes the player go away), then starting playback again from the guide.

Hard to reproduce.
Don't know if it's related, but still seeing this behavior
Anyone else experience this?

yea, few times i have used the web ui, the stop buttons randomly is not there...then it comes back if i load a different channel most times.

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This got me thinking.
I haven't tried it yet, but if this also happens using an HDHR tuner, the tuner would still be in use.
Maybe never released?

I'm still seeing this behaviour with the web player. After playing for a while the Stop button disappears and the only way to stop playback is to reload the page. It might be tied to watching live TV through the end of one programme and into the next, but I haven't fully confirmed that. It definitely happens consistently and regardless of source.

Fixed in next prerelease.

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Thanks, Stop button now staying put.