Stream Link details display

Thanks to @babsonnexus and the release of Stream Link Manager, I've been integrating my long list of purchased movies into CDVR too. With all of this content aggregated in one library, I've made some more creative Collections, and am really enjoying the upgrade.

One thing I've noticed though is that not all Stream Linked titles get their details noted properly on tvOS or the web UI.

AppleTV+ titles work fine :+1:

Movies Anywhere (moviesanywhere://) titles, some of which aren't on AppleTV+ for whatever reason, show up only as "movie:"

...and Fandango at Home (fandangonow://) shows up blank. There's a little light purple bubble I can see, that's all. And nothing on the webUI. This may be because of their recent renaming from VUDU...?

Anyway, if these details consistently displayed per the service each title is linked to, it would be a great improvement for those of us with content on multiple stores, letting us see clearly where the Stream Link will be taking us.

Thanks so much for this great feature!

Please provide full example URLs

Sure, here are the two examples above. I now realize why they're handled a bit differently:

For "28 Days Later:" moviesanywhere://movie/28-days-later

For "When Harry Met Sally:" fandangonow://

I'm unaware if/how deeplinking directly to specific Fandango titles works at this time but launching to the app is good enough for me, because then I just do a quick voice search for the title.

When Fandango gets their act together and documents how deeplinks work since the switchover from, I'll update my titles' Stream Links for them too. But for now I consider this far better than not integrating these purchases into CDVR at all. Regardless, being able to aggregate this content in our library has been a very welcome upgrade. Big time. Thanks!

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