Stream link issue with duration

I have a few Library Collections for Movies sorted by duration and it works beautifully... except I have many programs with "0 Sec" lengths. These are all Stream Links and almost all of them are metadata matches. I would need the ability to edit length to correct this.

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Are these movies matched to gracenote or tmdb? Does refresh meta not fix the duration?

Can you give me some examples

Here's a screen shot from one of my sort by duration Library Collections. Everything showing here has a duration of "0 Sec".

I refreshed metadata with a few of them and they did not change. As far as I can tell, most are TMDB matches, but there are plenty of Gracenote ones, too.

Okay, I see TMDB is missing Runtime on their side for many of these. For example on Looking for Mr. Miyagi (2014) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

Okay, when I changed that specific one to Gracenote it does have a length. I'm going through these one-by-one now to see if switching between TMDB and Gracenote or vice versa finds a length.

You can also edit on TMDB to fix that way it works for others in the future

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Can I write an advanced query to get duration is missing? Can't seem to figure out the right way to get it to work.

What about Duration == 0 or Duration < 1?

Yeah, the obvious ones like that don't work, as well as trying reverse logic like "Not Duration > 1" or "Not Duration != 0" (this gives me some, but also gives me things that have a duration, so IDK). I think there's a backend issue where zero is being ignored for Duration.

Yes zero values are ignored when adding to search index

Does that mean that <1 should work? Or because the initial import did not have a duration, the field doesn't exist, and therefore cannot be searched?

The field exists:


But <1 does not work because it is ignoring the zeroes in the index, which I'm going to have to request allowing, at least for Duration!

The search index doesn't have the field. It's not something that can be added easily.

You can use jq, like:

curl x:8089/dvr/files | jq '.[] | select(.Duration == 0)'

Yeah, getting the list isn't an issue, was just trying to get them all to appear in the Web Interface together so I could easily just click on each one and update. As a workaround, I already have a Library Collection with everything sorted by reverse duration, but it would certainly be easier if I could limit it to the zero duration ones.