Streaming box Recommendation

I purchased 3 Onn 4k boxes from walmart to replace my rokus. Only one works. The other two have multiple issues with the remotes and freezing. Yes they are up to date. Does anyone have a recommendation that can use 2 remotes per device and actually works consistently? Would a Chromecast hd be better than the onn box?

Onn devices seem to be very popular among people that don't want to spend the money for high end devices like the Shield or Apple TV. I would guess your experience with Onn devices is not normal. At any rate I have used the Chromecast Google TV and I didn't have any problems with it other than lack of storage memory. But I now use Firestick 4k Max devices, they work great for me. Some people don't like all the advertisements being displayed or the fact that the interface can't really be customized any more. But I do use two remotes with my FS Max, my wife and I need to have our own remote. In fact, the remote is one of my main reasons I like this device. Everyone has their own personal choice. Keep in mind Apple TV has the best support and performance with Channels DVR. But I still like my FS Max devices better.


I have the new ONN 4K Streaming Box PRO that was just released and is hard to find. I have been using it for 3 days now and have had zero issues so far. I have 3 remotes connected to this device all through bluetooth. The original remote that shipped with the device, an android tv remote I purchased through Amazon (RockTek G20) and also mu Harmony Hub.

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I ended up buying emby premiere and running channels through the back end. Took the onn 4k's back. I still have the extra remotes. Stuck with roku for now. Will have to wait and see long term on the onn devices. But hopefully those will be a better alternative.