Streaming sources not appearing suddenly

My Channels DVR setup worked great for a long time. I have an HDHomeRun with Xfinity as a source and two streaming sources (Roku and Pluto).
Recently (within 3 weeks) the two streaming sources don't show up in the Guide nor in the Settings|Sources list. This is consistent on at least 2 smart TVs and an NVidia shield.
Sometimes I can clean the data out of the app and that fixes it briefly. Sometimes a full re-install of the Channels client fixes it.
I'm really frustrated that the streaming sources are always available on the Channels Web admin to view (internal network).
I'm pretty careful about my wifi setup so I don't believe i've made the server inaccessible because the Xfinity source works all the time, as do DVR recordings.
Help appreciated!

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That's usually the case if you can't access your Channels DVR Server from the clients.

The clients can connect directly to your HDHR Prime, bypassing the Channels DVR Server for Live TV.

Can you play back your HDHR Prime recordings from the clients?

The guide is fully functional, and updating, for Xfinity listings. Recordings are available. My recordings are almost always from streaming sources.

Maybe you missed my point?

The clients can access an HDHR tuner directly, bypassing the Channels DVR Server, so you can view an HDHR Prime channel Live TV from your clients without using the Channels DVR Server.

Can you use one of your clients to select and view an HDHR Prime recording on your Channels DVR Server?

TVE and custom m3u channel sources have to go through your Channels DVR Server first to be viewed by a client.

Can you use one of your clients to select and view a TVE or Custom m3u source recording on your Channels DVR Server?

FYI: Many users that come here to the Forum asking for help never reply back, because...

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Yes, all/any clients can play any DVR recording from DVR server - whether source was HDHR or Streaming.

The Streaming programming stopped appearing in the Guide on affected clients so I cannot queue up any new recordings. I have refreshed Streaming Sources' XMLTV guide data.

Using the Web Player from the admin page, I can find all items in the Guide (all sources) and can watch from a streaming M3U stream source there.

I appreciate your help. This is so odd that most of the DVR Server works except that the streaming sources are not shown in Guide.

So an interesting update. I replaced the M3U channel list for the first of the two streaming services, reprocessed the XML listings on the server. Then I cleared the Channels Client app data on the NVidia shield. Everything returned and works. I then went to one of the smart tvs and forced stop and cleared the app data. The streaming services returned there too.

Not sure if this fix will stick.

We would need diagnostics from the Android TV client to investigate. Sounds like a messed up m3u entry of some sort.

Bummed to report that after I used the smart tv and left it, it forgot the streaming sources again. I checked the NVidia Shield, it also lost the streaming sources. The reprocessing of the streaming source XML was not the answer.

You have yet to submit diagnostics from your client devices.

Channels > Settings > Support

Thank you for the hint on how to submit. I submitted first for NVidia and then for Sony Smart TV. I assume that's what you were looking for?

Smart TV looks to have come back again with no intervention.

I did send the diagnostics, did I do it correctly?

Your server side settings has the Sources setting applied globally with nothing selected. You need to either choose sources, or delete this setting. This is telling your clients to use 0 sources from your Channels DVR Server.

This is why you have no sources, and your HDHomeRun sources are showing up, but they have no ability to record. Without the sources from your Channels DVR Server being used, its falling back to pulling guide data directly from your HDHomeRun.

Just delete this setting, or set it correctly and you'll be back to normal.

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Wow, didn't know about that setting. Made the change. Stopped, dropped data, and started NVidia client and the sources show up in Settings. THANK YOU!!!!