Streamlink to open VidAngel ATV app?

Background: My wife and I are trying to move to watching non-animated movies with our 9-year old :smile: But plenty of these have portions that would be good to remove, when watching with a 9-year-old. VidAngel works well for this.

After having had the whole animated library well organized in CDVR for the last couple of years via streamlinks, I would love to set up streamlinks that will open in the Apple TV VidAngel app. (Rather than having to switch to the watchlist in the VidAngel app).

I tried the method that works with services such as Disney+ and Hulu: Get the movie URL when logged into the Disney/Hulu webiste, and incorporate that URL into a streamlink. (For this, I logged into the VidAngel website of course, and got the movie URL from there). But, a streamlink using this link failed to open the VidAngel app.

On iPad also, clicking that streamlink does not open up the VidAngel app but instead opens Safari to that URL

I have set up many streamlinks to other services, so I'm pretty sure I set the streamlink up correctly in terms of format etc.

For completeness: The streamlink file is named "Men In Black - International (2019).strmlnk" (without quotes) and it's placed in the D:\CHANNELS-DVR\Channels-DVR\Imports\Movies\ folder. The contents of the file are the single line shown below, which is the URL from the VidAngel website:

In CDVR, the streamlink correctly show up as an item:

Does anyone know whether streamlinks that open the VidAngel app on ATV are possible (I care less about opening the app on iPad)? I'm not sure what the variables are that determine whether/not a streamlink works with a particular app..

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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