Stuck on "Processing recording...." for days

Channels DVR is running on a Win10 Pro system. Storage for recordings is a 1 TB USB drive.

Noticed almost a week ago that the Settings > Status > Activity showed that a very recent recording off the Hallmark Channel had been "stuck" for several days in the "Processing recording..." status. Finally exited Channels DVR, downloaded the latest upgrade (2023.08.22.0627) and installed it. Now the Activity shows the system is stuck on a subsequent recording. It's been 5 days now.

Everything still seems to work normally as no anomalies have been noted in any other facet of the operations.

There was a comparable thread three years ago that reported the same type of behavior (Status Stuck on Processing). Diagnostics were to be submitted but there was no further update on that thread.

Any ideas?

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Logs have been submitted as d10c2df0-b077-447e-becd-8dad18ec6389. .

In looking at the on-screen display of that page, the first step is the only one that isn't "green". It shows "DNS - Could not reach whois server: whois: query for whois server failed: whois: read from whois server failed: read tcp> i/o timeout"

It looks like the DVR is stuck trying to delete something and hasn't gotten a response back from the OS.

Is your D:\ a standard hard drive or is it an unusual configuration?

You should be able to resolve this by restarting the DVR.

The D: drive is simply a 1 TB USB drive. Seagate, IIRC (it's in the basement and has been running this on this application since last fall. Haven't had any indication it's giving issues so far.

I'll restart the DVR later today. Wife is watching it this afternoon plus I'm doing some copying from the USB drive to my NAS drive to free up space on the DVR drive. It's currently about 90% full.

Restarted the DVR late last evening. Checked first thing this AM and it was stuck on processing a different file.

I downloaded and installed the latest pre-release and restarted the DVR. Now it's stuck on " Activity Processing newly recorded files.". No named file.

Again, everything else seems to be working correctly.