Studdering after a few minutes of live playback

Server is Win10.
Client is Shield 2019 Pro.
Speedtest between the two is 1Gb.

Now, if I stop playback and then restart playback, it's smooth again for a few minutes.
Repeat over and over.
Works great for a few minutes.
Starts herky-jerky playback.
I stop and restart playback.
And it's great for several minutes.
I've rebooted both server & client.
And am running the latest pre-release.

Consider submitting diagnostics from the shield so the devs have something to use to investigate.

Are you using Tailscale by any chance? I enabled Tailscale and has similar stuttering issues. I disabled Tailscale and everything went back to normal. Since I didn't need Tailscale I never explored the issue further, but I know it shouldn't have that effect.

Also, did you run the troubleshooter support>troubleshooting>re-run with resource intensive tests? Are you seeing any errors/issues there?

Have never enabled Tailscale.

Diagnostic logs submitted as: 6db22551-140b-424d-a26d-5e45e52df014


  • I moved my Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro from one switch directly to one of my router's ports via Cat6.
  • I moved from a Windows VM Channels Server to Ubuntu Channels Server.
  • I restored my Shield back to factory defaults.
  • Reinstalled Channels and left hardware configuration options at defaults.

But there is no change in problem. Everything is nice and smooth for awhile and then suddenly I get random stuttering.
When I switch over to the Sling TV app on Shield I don't get any stuttering from the same live TV show.

Diagnostics from the client app are needed, immediately after the issue occurs.

Under Settings > Support in the app

Thank you, I just submitted them! The client didn't give me a code # like the server did.
During this playback episode, I noticed the stuttering occur ~15 minutes into playback.

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Is there any improvement with Settings > Playback > Advanced > Surround Sound: Off

Unfortunately, there was no change in the issue after I disabled Surround Sound.
I wasn't watching as closely this time but once again it seems the stuttering started somewhere around the 15 minute mark.
Submitted diagnostics again just in case you need them.


Were you folks able to find anything interesting in the logs?

Unfortunately not, there's nothing unexpected in the logs.

It could be related to some shield settings like AI Upscaling