Stuttering on AppleTV4

Yes I’ve seen it on both OTA and TVE.

Audio is thru hdmi arc. Samsung soundbar and Samsung tv. Been running this same setup since I started using channels.

Okay. And just to clarify, the recent diagnostics are with Apple TV audio set to Stereo or not? I'm confused at if and how much that setting helps what you're seeing?

The audio driver is reporting a sudden jump in position which is very strange. This makes the player have to drop video to jump ahead and catch up to where the audio is reported to be.

You can try the Audio Driver: Experimental setting which uses a newer Apple audio API which might have different behavior (and probably different bugs).

ATV4 and ATV 4K don't have a TOSLINK output.

Yes the appletv audio is set to stereo. It helped a little bit but it’s still a pretty significant stutter. Sometimes it goes on for 5-10 seconds. Sometimes just 1 second.

I tried experimental. It was unusable.

Just for s&g's, try setting the audio to Dolby Digital 5.1. Since you have a sound bar connected to the TV, that should work just fine, sound-wise, anyway.

No matter what I set it to the stuttering is still there.

I'm almost inclined to buy an ATV4 now, just to test it on our network.

We'll be buying three ATV4s, eventually, anyway. It's just I don't need another now. The plan was to sell one of the Android TVs and one of the Fire TVs to finance the next ATV purchase.

Excuse me, but I don't recall: Have you tried swapping an ATV4 and ATV 4K to confirm the problem stays with the unit, rather than the installation location?

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I have a Synology DS718+, a ASUS TR-AC88U and run channels DVR on the NAS. Works perfectly. Have you enabled bonding of LAN ports 1 & 2 on your router?

Might be worth doing a factory reset on one of the ATV4s. I tried on my dev unit and cannot reproduce the audio issue shown in your logs.

Thank the heavens for that! I was really wrestling with myself over whether or not to buy an ATV4 right now

I’ll do a reset and see if it helps.

This transcoder bug has been fixed in the latest DVR pre-release.

Thanks Aman. Now that I’ve ruled out my Synology I’ll move everything back to the beta builds.

I don’t want to jinx myself but without me doing anything the video has been pretty stable.

Still going strong. I don’t know what changed but I’ve been running pretty solid

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