Stuttering playback on Apple TV (Windows Server 2019)

Will you have any sort of ETA on the fix? Do you want me to provide anymore info?

This is an interesting observation. The apps have separate sandboxes in tvOS so both being affected points to some type of system-wide issue.

Good theory. Can anyone check if the ATV feels hot?

So much for my theory. Watched a game tonight on my non-4K Apple TV. It was progressive, so no deinterlacing needed. It ran pretty smooth at first but after some time started having occasional stuttering issues. I got up and the Apple TV was cool to the touch. I watched parts of the same recording on my iPad with no issues. Only client I have this issue with is my non-4K Apple TV. Wired gigabit.

Cool to the touch for me as well. I’ve flattened the Apple TV as well via iTunes and still hasn’t made any difference

Any further updates from the Developers? Unfortunately this is getting extreamly frustrating as it happens everytime we watch a recorded programme.

I have Apple TV 4k and have not seen these issues. I joined the ios Beta this weekend to help troubleshoot and find issues but so far the latest build has not given me any troubles yet. So it looks like non 4k Apple TV has issues. I should mention that it connected hardwired and not wifi if that makes any difference

As others have asked, is there anything else that we can provide to help troubleshoot? I've seen it happen three times in the past four days on different ATVs, so I'm beginning to think that the changes I've made on the DVR server have made no difference. As a user who's new to Channels DVR, it's highly annoying to have to reboot it so frequently.

If it helps, I submitted diagnostics for video and other from two different ATVs after it happened. I also don't believe it's due to thermal throttling, as I've seen it happen just a couple of minutes after starting the ATV. It was cool to the touch, as well.

If you have a Mac, try running and see if it connects to your Apple TV and shows the logs. Maybe the system logs have some relevant entries when this happens?

Im assuming that will be following the link below:

I unfortunately don't have a Mac.

I did some searching, and in the Settings -> General -> Privacy -> Analytics Data menu on the ATV, there are a bunch of logs.

It looks like you can AirDrop those logs individually to an iOS device. Do you know the names of specific files that could be helpful?

Any Devs got any other ideas?

All of my analytics logs for today, the issue has occurred today.

Any updates? I ran into it twice last night...nearly back-to-back, even after a reboot, and once the night before.

If you folks don't know where to take this, is it possible open a ticket to Apple to help investigate?

It’s a shame plex DVR is shite otherwise I’d switch.

Your issue is not common, and has been reported by only a couple users. 99% of Apple TV Channels users have never experienced anything like this.

So there is something with your configuration that is causing a problem. You should troubleshoot you network / dvr server. Try some different things. Try running the DVR outside of a VM. Try a different network cable. Try changing some network settings on the OS.

If this was a rampant issue with Apple TV, these forums would be booming with requests for an update. But that is not the case here. It is your setup. There is something that YOU can change to fix this, you just need to find it.

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Interesting development. I’ve switched home streaming down to 8mbps. Been running it like this for a few days now and have had no issues.

Issue must be down to the Apple TV streaming at original quality. Something must have changed in one of the recent releases of the app.

Cool that you pinpointed it to an issue streaming high bitrates over your network. Not sure about the conclusion that a change was made in the app though. Have you done an iperf network test to the VM from a network host?

7 days since last dev response. Not impressed.

Sometimes the devs help users with their network setups, maybe they will give some suggestions for you troubleshoot.
In the meantime, something is not performing correctly with your VM network. You should run some speed tests to/from the VM. And try to fix your network settings. If you can't figure it out, put the DVR somewhere else.

Can you run a network speed test from the DVR to your Apple TV: