Subscribe to Channels Release Notes with your RSS Reader

We've added RSS feeds to our site that allow you to subscribe to each app's stable release changelog. Use your newsfeed reader to subscribe to them and follow along with updates.



Looks like the DVR Server feed is a couple releases behind

Never mind, Just realized it's Stable, not Pre releases
This is what caused the confusion

Ahh, I'll clarify that stuff, good point.

I just deleted those links from the topics, since they don't make much sense anyways since they're just stable releases.

Just and FYI, you should be able to give your news reader the topic link, and it will have its own RSS feed you can subscribe to. Discourse handles this for us.

Do you mean use this topic link for the DVR prereleases?

Yes, you can do it with any topic.

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There's error with Channels DVR Server feed

This page contains the following errors:
error on line 15 at column 54: xmlParseEntityRef: no name
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

What software is reporting this error? Can you paste the rest of the error output with the relevant lines it mentions?

Also, what was the feed that you tried to use. We need more info than that to help with anything.

The issue was found to be with the DVR Release Notes feed and has now been corrected.