Sunsetting Channels DVR Server on Nvidia Shield

On March 1st, 2025, Channels DVR Server on Nvidia Shield will no longer receive updates.

You can learn more here:

Please use this topic for any questions and helping each other with the transition.


As a shield user, I'm certainly disappointed. Not that it matters much but I don't understand. because the shield pro still gets pretty good reviews and it's still recommended. Hope you change your mind and continue support I for one, will probably find. another method of recording.

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To be honest the shield doesn’t even work well as a player anymore

I wish nvidia hadn’t abandoned the platform

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How so? Mine works great.

Nvidia just did a update for the shield pro. It's still supported. Lon a prominent youtube reviewer just. gave the shield pro a recommendation. Mine still works great, too.

Perhaps its server size - i get about 30 seconds to move through the ui before it semi to completely locks up and i have to restart the app

No issues on the apple tv side at all

And just did a full reset and didn't install anything else but plex

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The devs have said it's still supported as a client, just not a server.
Use whatever supported client you like.


I moved my Channels DVR Server to a mini PC. Running Channels Server on my shield with a few other products gave me trouble here and there. It may be coincidence but I haven't had any stuck at android screen events on my shield since I moved server apps like Channels Plex and Play On cloud off to my mini pc.

Still use the Shield to play content though which it does a great job.

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For those of us that are perfectly happy with the shield and have no other platform to run Channels DVR on, will we get a discount on the software fee given we will no longer receive updates??

Kinda missing my point, there will be NO further updates for the Shield and therefore no development costs for it so why not discount the monthly/annual fee?

I see your point guess I missed it. Maybe discount for your remainder of subscription then totally remove the ability to reload on Shield when your subscription ends how does that sound?

Which I think they will eventually remove the Shield Install files.

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You have the added feature of "it may stop working at any time".
Along with the "No Support Guarantee".
Both, totally FREE!


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Help me understand how this will work.
Since you can use one subscription on multiple clients, what happens when someone decides to add another client?

Point taken (not clients)
My post should have read: Since you can transfer a subscription to another platform ......

You are confusing clients with the DVR server.
Anyway I bit the bullet and ordered an N95 mini PC to run the server on, arrives tomorrow, already exported my Channels settings to a USB stick to import when it arrives.