Support for an HDMI recorder

Newbie here so be gentle. There may be legal issues here in addition to the technical ones. It'd sure be nice to get some sort of crude integration with one of the HDMI recorders (devices with HDMI in and HDMI out like cloner alliance) so that one could integrate recordings from streaming channels that don't support TV-E. This would allow one to (perhaps a bit more manually) initiate playing a netflix or other streaming service show and record it on the HDMI side but save on Channels DVR using same format as library. You could do this manually of course. If the hardware integrated as seamlessly with the software as silicon dust tuners it'd be nice. Now many would ask "why" - you can already watch on demand. But too many streaming systems either insert ads, or movies come and go etc. Plus I just want it all on one interface in my private library. I suppose these streaming services don't have APIs that allow them to tell Channels DVR what shows are available to play so maybe I'm dreaming that integration is possible. Just want to know if others have talked about or solved this. The idea is if you could queue up 10 or more shows of a certain category (Popular movies on netflix or HGTV channel over on Youtube TV) and let them play and record and be indexed by Channels DVR

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You should peruse this section of the Channels web site:

Good luck,


Also this:

This already exists via multiple community projects. Closing this as it was a feature request.