Surrround sound test - LF and RF coming out LR and RR?

I have a Samsung Q950A 11.1.4 and I noticed the surround sound test today. When I run it, center, left rear and right rear come out properly, but left front and right front come out the left rear and right rear during the test. The app is running on a Nvidia Shield.

Any idea why this would be and how I can get it to route properly?

How are the speakers wired?

Your problem sounds like it the way the front and rear speakers are hooked up.

That;s what I'd normally think in my older set up, but this is different. It's one of the best-regarded soundbars, with those front left, center, and right speakers in the bar (as well as some diffusion and height), and a couple of wireless satellite speakers that do rear left, rear right, and some height as well. Can't be wired wrong, unfortunately, and it tests properly and sounds right in the other apps I've used in the past.

Any other ideas? I don't see any settings in the app that would change this, but it is odd Channels would have such a test and have it not execute properly on one of the most popular soundbars.

The test was added a few weeks ago. It's possible it's buggy. Hopefully others can share their experiences.

I haven't had a chance to check if it's actually accurate or not, but switching my soundbar to standard mode made the LF and RF move to the soundbar. Hope to try some 5.1 or 7.1 material soon to see if it still works for the other stuff.