Symbolic link not working

Since my source uses [ ] with imdb.. and channels hates it.. i made symbolic links to remove this.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 65 Jun 16 22:58 'Zebra Girl (2021) ' -> '/mnt/drive/Media/Movies/Movies/Zebra Girl (2021) [imdb-tt9253618]'
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 70 Jun 16 22:58 'Zeros and Ones (2021) ' -> '/mnt/drive/Media/Movies/Movies/Zeros and Ones (2021) [imdb-tt13432484]'
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 64 Jun 16 22:58 'Zoey 102 (2023) ' -> '/mnt/drive/Media/Movies/Movies/Zoey 102 (2023) [imdb-tt26217622]'
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 59 Jun 16 22:58 'Zola (2020) ' -> '/mnt/drive/Media/Movies/Movies/Zola (2020) [imdb-tt5439812]'
When trying to add it in the movies folders section, it doesnt even attempt to scan it.. nor shows it in the logs.

what am i doing wrong?

Channels should read the [imdb-tt5439812] and match based on it. What happens when you leave it and let it match?

sorry for late response. If i leave it then the metadata doesnt get match up correct or not at all.
From previous scans. I had to stop using channels because of this. I will try again with the brackets and see if it scans it or leave it blank.

IMDb support was added recently

seems to be working..
Thanks for adding that

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