Synchronize recording playback from multiple Apple TVs

It'd be great if playback of a recording could be synchronized across multiple AppleTVs on the same network running Channels. On occasion I host parties for watching sports - Super Bowl, World Cup, you name it.. This would be a very cool feature.

Alternatively - I wouldn't mind attempting a simple hack if there were API support.. Is it possible to add API support to GET/SET a specific location of a track? For example..

ATV1 : GET /api/status ... would need JSON results to provide 'episode_location'?

"status": "paused",
"muted": false,
"now_playing": {
"title": "Seinfeld",
"episode_title": "The Truth",
"season_number": 3,
"episode_number": 2,
"episode_location": 2123787,
"summary": "A woman (Valerie Mahaffey) wants to know why George doesn't want to see her."
"image_url": "",

ATV2 : POST /api/seek_to/{episode_location}
ATV3 : POST /api/seek_to/{episode_location}

I am sure there are many complications with this hack - i.e. a lag for retrieving the 'episode_location' and subsequent POST to seek to a specific location on other AppleTVs..

Anyhow, this type of sync feature would be pretty cool.