Synology DS-218+ hardware trancoding

Hi there - very happy with the DVR (IOS, AppleTV and cheap Philips Android TV :smile:) so have just invested in a Synology DS-218+ and migrated onto that. First remote tries buffering as only transcoding around 0.82x. Web UI seemed fine at original quality.
Not sure if there’s a hardware acceleration option I need to set on the Synology itself as that was also a migration but can check when back. Plex seemed ok from a quick check.
Many thanks - apart from that would just request MCEBuddy-like offline transcoding (also on the Synology) to archive movies nicely on Plex and job done!

On the Settings tab of the DVR web UI, does it show a hardware transcoding option in the Web Player section?

Yes - quick test at quality 480p/1mbs and same recording max approximately
Hardware = 0.80
Software = 1.99

Interesting, seems like some sort of bug with the hardware transcoder. That’s a fairly new Synology model so there might be something we need to tweak for it.

Can you copy/paste the OS and CPU sections from the top of the web UI?

Also what is the Deinterlacer setting set to? Is there a hardware option for that?

BTW Web UI with Hardware and Hardware Deinterlacer = 2.52 if that’s relevant for the IOS app at all.

OSSynology DS218+
(kernel: 4.4.15+)
2 cores / Intel® Celeron® CPU J3355 @ 2.00GHz
load averages: 1.00 1.10 1.12
RAM1.80 GB
58.6% free

Ahh - setting that hardware deinterlacer for the Web UI seems to have fixed it for IOS. Sorry.

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