Synology DSM 7 package won't install

I have a SynologyNAS DS418play and had been running Channels successfully for years. I had one drive fail. So I replaced the drive, repaired the volume, have the NAS back up and running, but Channels would no longer work. I upgraded to DSM 7.2.2, uninstalled the old Channels package, and but cannot get the new DSM 7 package to install. This is the error message I get:

Have tried rebooting and uninstalling and reinstalling the package multiple times. I always get this message.

Any help appreciated.

Create the folder first /volume1/ChannelsDVR then give Channels Permission.

Updated to DSM 7 and Channels for DSM 7 Beta Movies do not import - General - Channels Community

Thank you. I tried that, but this is the message I get:

I have no shared folder with that name ("DVR-Channels" is my old channels volume):

Perhaps there is a hidden folder somewhere? I don't see /volume1/@appstore/ChannelsDVR referenced in the first message.

If you use Portainer, I have the Docker script shown below to install Channels DVR for Synology, with Portainer instead of using package manager. The PUID and PGID should be changed to reflect your Synology's specific ID's which you can run a script to uncover. TZ should also be changed to your Time zone.

version: "3.9"
container_name: channels-dvr
image: fancybits/channels-dvr:latest
network_mode: host
- PUID=1027
- PGID=100
- TZ=America/New_York
- /dev/dri:/dev/dri
- /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/config:/channels-dvr
- /volume1/docker/channels-dvr/recordings:/shares/DVR
- 8089:8089
restart: on-failure:10

You sure the package is not already Installed ? Check your installed packages. That folder is created when package is installed ....

The package works great no need for docker and is easier to maintain and add import folders.

The package for the earlier version was installed when I upgraded to DSM 7. I uninstalled that version. I have tried installing, uninstalling, and reinstalling the DSM 7 version (ChannelsDVR_1.1.0.spk) multiple times now. Channels DVR will show up under "Installed" in the Package Center but says error and tells me to reinstall. I can post a screen shot when I am back home.

Thanks. I've never used Portainer. While I'm sure I can figure it out, am hoping there is a way to get the package to work. I've never had a problem before. Very strange.

Try uninstalling the corrupt package ... if that does not work you would need to ssh into your nas and remove that folder... issue command below

sudo rm -r -f /volume1/@appstore/ChannelsDVR/

Yes, have uninstalled multiple times. I will try the ssh route now. Do I need to run that command from the root account?

sudo should be enough.... the regular Synology login should be enough.

Check using File Station for a folder or file named ChannelsDVR
If it's hidden, using this command at the ssh command line will show it.
ls -ahl /volume1

If the folder /volume1/ChannelsDVR already exists, you will need to uninstall Channels DVR, delete the folder, then reinstall Channels DVR. You can not delete the folder until you uninstall Channels DVR.

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Thank you! That was the issue, and I am back up and running. Nothing ever showed up on File Station. Turns out it was a hidden folder not /volume1/@appstore/ChannelsDVR like I thought. Here is what I did.

(1) I logged into the ssh command line and ran: ls -ahl /volume1

(2) exited ssh, logged into DiskStation, and uninstalled the Channels DVR from Package Center;

(3) ssh back into NAS and ran: sudo rm -r -f /volume1/ChannelsDVR/ . It took about 10 minutes of for the process to run. Not sure what was in there, but I'm not worrying about it at this point.

(4) exited ssh, logged into DiskStation, and created a new shared folder called ChannelsDVR;

(5) edited the permissions to add channels as an internal user with read/write access:

(6) went back into package center and reinstalled the Channels DVR package.

Everything is back up and running now. Many thanks for the assistance from everyone. Much appreciated.

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