I'm a new channels dvr subscriber. I'm experiencing a lot of buffering and lost connections with Tablo. What do I need to do to fix?
Still no support yet. Only channels that work are SD channels. None of the major networks play. Anyone have any suggestions?
A. Uncheck "Tablo Network Tuner Support" in the Experimental Toggle Section
B. Reboot your Tablo unit
C. Enable "Tablo Network Tuner Support"
Thanks, will try and give you an update.
Just followed those steps. Still has a lost connection?
Can you connect to the unit from the Tablo App?
Yep, tried the Tablo app before I tried it on channels dvr.
So are you saying it doesn't appear under "Sources"?
It did when rescanned the hdhomerun.
It’s in my sources
Support for the Tablo is still experimental.
Suggest submitting DVR Diagnostics
Another recent thread with issues
And you have reloaded the lineup?
Thanks for your help!
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