Tablo Tuner Support Gen 4

Will there be support for the 4th Generation Tablo?

I have same question, I hope i didnt but a paper weight.

In advance of being flamed:
If you are using Channels as your DVR, why are you considering a Tablo device as a new purchase. The only officially supported device is HDHomeRun tuners from SiliconDust. Tablo support is beta, and not really supported.

For the hope that the developers would be able to add it

The price for the discounted 2 tunerssetup is hard to beat.
I may just ignore it and just go with HI Homerun but thought i would ask.
The device is cheap enough to where even if it couldn't be used at present it would be good to hav eon hand for the time when one moves to somewhere where an antenna would be of use.

FWIW, I'm using the older 2-tuner Tablo successfully with Plex.

I'd also like to know if the new Tablo 4th Gen, 4-Tuner works with Plex. Anyone??

Unfortunately no Tablo has locked down its API, maybe someone can attempt to make it work but that is beyond my scope of knowledge

Tablo tuners are not officially supported tuners for Channels DVR Server.

If you are buying new, you will want to invest in supported tuners, HDHomeRuns.


Checking back in. Went to BestBuy grabbed a Tablo (I'm guessing 4gen?) 2 tuner.
App setup all went well, really wanted to see how it interacts with Channels. Came across this thread. Has there been any updates? Any way to make channels see new Tablo as a source? (I've tried adding via IP address...) when I scan nothing happens (yes I went into advanced and checked allow tablo tuner network support) . Im using the WIFI, (vs cable connection) which is why I wanted to try. if HDHOMERUN could do same I would have upgraded (I do have 4k model) but they need to be near router or ethernet jack besides power then antenna into that. Tablo would have allowed me to move around to different locations with smaller antenna and power source....

so.... can we use the newer model tablo? if so what am I doing wrong (advance settings - check) (scan network for tuners - check)

thanks in advance

New Tablo only works with their app. That's how they designed it.

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ugh thank you for quick SUNDAY reply... was afraid of that... any ideas of SilconDust incorporating wifi? just a tad more flexibility would be wonderful for different antenna placement for me..... again thanks for quick weekend reply!

Have you tried a WFI extender with NIC connection.

You really don’t want to use WiFi for these things. There’s a reason HDHomeRun devices don’t have WiFi built in.

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Mine are all connected on one side of the house to a ASUS aimesh and the server is on the other side of the House wirelessly using them and have no Problems and I have a total of 3 4 tuner connects and 2 Prime tuners all connecting wireless to my server connected to a 2nd Aimesh unit.

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Broadcast TV is (relative to other streaming) high bandwidth and is greatly impacted by latency, jitter (variability) and momentary disruptions. When we receive support requests of people experiencing issues getting a reliable signal from an HDHomeRun, one of the biggest issues for the issues tend to be WiFi-related.

The reason for this is that WiFi is inherently impacted by environmental issues. The number of devices on the WiFi network, other WiFi networks that neighbors have, other devices (appliances like microwaves, etc) in the house, solar flares, and other random radio waves can impact performance and consistent networking.

This means that things can work fine one day, and stop working another day without any changes being made to the WiFi setup.

When using wired networking, these sorts of issues are much less likely to happen.

It's because of these issues that we strongly encourage people to avoid using WiFi for links between their HDHomeRun and the DVR. It may work for you, but it also may stop working and it will be hard for you to diagnose what is going wrong. It may cause you to have garbled recordings and by the time you try to watch them your network could be back to normal and you couldn't even diagnose what went wrong.

Like I said I have never had an HDHomeRun recording fail me using wirelessly. And I run 7 units record all Prime time shows between 8 and 10 on all 5 main Channels.... If I had listened to nay sayers I would have run 100's of feet of Ethernet unnecessarily. I have run this way Prior to using Channels DVR and no Problems.

The days of WIFI 802.11g Wi-Fi are over WIFI has improved drastically.


@Edwin_Perez There's nothing to argue about here. You're free to do whatever you want.

My guidance was directed at anyone else who reads this thread to give them clear guidance as to what we recommend and the reasons why. You're always free to do whatever you want, but as we see all of the email support we get, we have better visibility into the common case of issues.

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Yep I will continue with what works for me...


Assuming your WiFi conditions equate to others’ is exactly why WiFi isn’t suggested. WiFi is extremely variable and most peoples’ are not well off enough to withstand the challenges that @eric described.

There really isn’t a lot more variable or generally unreliable in tech than what we call “WiFi”.


If you are using Channels as your DVR, why are you considering a Tablo device as a new purchase.

There are a couple of reasons: a) the Tablo devices are less expensive than most of the HDHomeRun devices (in apples-to-apples, feature-to-feature comparisons), b) the Tablo devices do not require a "subscription" for their EPG's, like HDHomeRun EPG's, and c) the firmware and software on the Tablo devices are much more polished than HDHomeRun.

I love my Tablo box. It does everything I want it to do. It would just be even better if there was Channels (and in concert, Plex) support. Is it necessary? No. Would it be awesome? Yes.