TeamIDs missing when using remote ChannelsDVR as a custom source

I have connected 2 ChannelsDVR servers by following these directions [How create custom channel using a remote Channels DVR server as a video source - #9 by tmm1]:

Overall, the solution works really well! However, I've discovered that I cannot create Team passes on the remote DVR, which I understand occurs when TeamIDs are not provided in the guide data.

But the guide data is being pulled from the source DVR at http://my_source_dvr:8089/devices/ANY/guide/xmltv?duration=604800, which has working Team Passes (and therefore, I assume TeamIDs).

Is it possible to share TeamID data between the instances?

No I don't think that works with XMLTV

If you leave the XMLTV out it should work

Are you suggesting that I use http://my_source_dvr:8089/devices/ANY/guide?duration=604800 for the XMLTV Guide Data value in my custom channels config?

He's saying don't use the XMLTV guide data.
If your playlist includes tvc-guide-stationid= for the channels, your DVR will use gracenote to get the guide data.

That would still pull guide data from the other server, but it would be json format instead of xml.

Got it - thank you. Seems to processing without the XMLTV Guide Data being provided. Will report back when complete.

Yes, that did the trick. Everything is working as expected - thank you for the help!

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