OK @Edwin_Perez, you vote to keep.
Going by the number of channels that have already disappeared from TVE, isn't the writing on the wall? I will continue to use Channels DVR with or without TVE.
OK @Edwin_Perez, you vote to keep.
Going by the number of channels that have already disappeared from TVE, isn't the writing on the wall? I will continue to use Channels DVR with or without TVE.
You might be well-served to recalibrate your expectations on this a bit. Surely there are other apps and services that will allow you to watch this particular channel.
Oh and just as a reminder, "one of these things is not like the other:"
Ah yes the 4 year beta lol.
Starting today YTTV will carry Tennis Channel and T2.
For an extra 10.99 on top of the normal youtube tv price
…which explains precisely why they added dealbreaker DRM to their TVE stream. Point being, any blame for this change lies squarely on the shoulders of the Tennis Channel and not the developers of Channels DVR.
Given the vicissitudes of the TV broadcast industry, and the number of things outside of the control of CDVR’s small development team, it should make perfect sense why this feature may very well remain in perpetual beta. It shouldn’t carry the same expectations of reliability as a release-ready feature, if it can’t reasonably deliver on that promise. Hence the beta label.
This is bad. I signed up with Channels DVR mostly just for Tennis Channel. So there is no workaround?
In the past 4 days a potential gamechanger of a workaround has emerged.
It’s working extremely well for me with many channels that are not on TVE, and might be worth checking out for Tennis Channel too.
After a lot of trial and error, I finally for the Chrome Capture for Channels (CC4C) working for Tennis Channel. Below is the configuration that worked for me (including pulling in the EPG data).
I am running CC4C on a spare Windows machine. In terms of configuration, I had to disable some network-level ad blocking and login with my provider, but seems to be pretty smooth sailing since then.
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="TENISHD" tvc-guide-stationid="33395",Tennis HD
chrome://[IP ADDRESS OF DEVICE RUNNING CC4C]:5589/stream?url=https://www.tennischannel.com/en-us/video/on-tv-tennis-channel-tv-broadcast/1641153
This still working for you? Im getting a drm error
This thread is old as hell.
You can't get Tennis Channel with TVE anymore because DRM. Either pipe it in through custom channels (fubo bridge, ah4c/hdmi, adbtuner, cc4c) or use streamlinks
thats what im asking about, the guy who setup a custom channel 3 weeks ago, if it still works for him. I tried it and get a drm error with the custom channel
Still works for me.
You're doing it via tab capture?
You sure you are using TVE ... I do not see Tennis Channels on my XFINITY TVE.... it was removed a while back.
Spectrum still supports as do a few other providers.
Are you watching through TVE in ChannelsDVR ? if so maybe I can get developers to re-add it to XFINITY as I can login to their livetv with XFINITY.
No you can't watch it thru channels it's drmed. I'm trying to use the tab capture for it.
It's like your Local NBC or PBS. You can still watch it from their website, but due to DRM it doesn't work in Channels as a TVE channel.
Yeah that is what I thought I have it on my Prime. Anytime I see a post about TVE Everywhere in the Channels Server thread I assume it has to do with Channels DVR TVE not TVE on the web site.