Testflight: Channels DVR Beta

I clicked on the "Join Apple Beta Program" button and it just takes you to an info screen about how to install once you receive the invitation Does the button send my request to you or is there another component. I used to be part of beta and it expired.

You have to click the link on an iOS device

I have testflight on my iPhone but it just says No Apps Available to Test. Is there a redeem code?

Yeah, read the whole thread and did that:

To join the Channels DVR Beta beta, tap the link on your iPhone or iPad after you install TestFlight.

You have to click the link above on your phone and then it should open TestFlight and show an Accept button:

I got it. what you fail to say is to go to that page on the iPhone, not on the laptop.
Thanks, maybe this will help someone else.

Thanks. Think we both posted at the same time.