Testing the new Experimental Transcoder (for improved remote viewing of recorded content)

Will the Server software update while it's recording programs?

No, it will wait until they're done and then update.

If you think the beta client is the issue, you can opt-out on getchannels.com/beta and the devices should update to the latest stable version instead.

If I wait until half-time and stop all recordings remotely, will the server side update when idle?

Yes. There is also a button that appears which will let you force upgrade.

I am seeing some elevated crash reports from Android, so perhaps there is a client issue at play as well. Can you reproduce the crash on any android device again, then launch the app again right away and click Settings > Player > Submit Diagnostics > Crash


A new beta app (v101020100) has been uploaded to the Play Store with a fix.

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New beta is working great! Thank you.

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Great! We're looking into ways to improve the Android beta program this year, so it'll be possible to have both the regular and beta app installed at the same time.

The remote streaming is already fantastic. It's great to see you guys tweaking it even further. It's equally impressive to see the dynamic quality changes with the load balancing on the server CPU with multiple connections requiring transcoding, internal or external. It would be interesting to hear the background on your development of this feature.

A post was split to a new topic: Inconsistent FPS streaming

When I'm watching remotely with a FireTV stick, if I have the stick set for 1080p 8Mbps Internet Streaming, and I start watching a TVE stream (typically about 3Mbps), the software is still transcoding the stream. At least, I see ffmpeg fire up and start hammering the CPU. Would it be possible for the software to check the data stream, compare it to available server upload speed at any given moment, and determine the circumstance when it's not necessary to transcode a stream?

If you record the same channel and play that does it also transcode?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. When I was testing today, I was using shows that were previously recorded.

Ah, I misunderstood. Can you email the DVR logs of an instance of this to support@getchannels.com?

Is the software capable of this, or not?

This is what the DVR has always done. Something about your set of circumstances appears to be running into a bug. Send the logs and we can investigate further.