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Sadly I got home today to find my apple tv wasn’t connected to my dvr. When I tried to reconnect it would not. I went to my windows 8 pc to see what was going on only to find the message below. Oddly no new software or windows updates have been installed and no changes to my firewall have occurred. I have tried multiple ideas but nothing has worked. I like channels but sadly it appears old faithful (windows media center) is more reliable.

Can anyone provide help with this issue? Plex is humming along nicely on the same pc. Strang.

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

What happens if you go to start menu and run Channels DVR?

Please email the file c:\programdata\channelsdvr\data\channels-dvr.log to [email protected]

It just shows the same message as before when I run from start menu. The log is fairly short so I have placed it here.

2018/08/13 20:24:57 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2018.08.02.1754 (windows-x86_64) in C:\ProgramData\ChannelsDVR\data
2018/08/13 20:24:58 [HDR] Found 2 devices
2018/08/13 20:24:58 [ERR] Failed to refresh auth: missing oauth client
2018/08/13 20:24:58 [ERR] Could not start server: listen tcp :8089: bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

Something else on the machine has decided to use port 8089. You could use to see what’s LISTENING on port 8089

Is there a way to manually lock it to channels to fix this and prevent the issue in the future. These type problems cause a less tech savvy spouse to not like me very much.

It’s rare for software to try to use the same port, but I guess you found something else that uses 8089. If you can figure out what it is then we can make sure it doesn’t run (either by disabling or uninstalling the other software).

I am a dummy I guess. I am having a tough time figuring out how to use the program you pointed me to. I can open it but I am not seeing the port or how to find the port.

I finally see the local range of ports but nothing appears to be listening to 8089. Sorry. I appreciate your help. This is making me nuts.

This one might be easier to run via cmd.exe

Hmm, strange.

If you run the Task Manger does it show channels dvr running already? Did you have it installed previously in the system tray or as a windows service?

It does show it. I just killed the process. I killed bitorrent. It was the only local port in the 8000 range. There are no other ports in the 8000 range.

I don’t guess you ever remote into a pc do you?

I could. Email me the connection details to [email protected] and I can take a look.

Hmmmm. I am searching google for a remote desktop program but haven’t found anything quickly. Do you know of anything?

I found one. I will email you.

I just emailed it with the code. It is chrome desktop remote.

If anyone else sees a similar error on Win 8.1, we were able to fix it by disabling IPv6 on the ethernet adapter.

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I have had a similar issue and I use a Mac mini as my server. I discovered that a power outage occurred and it changed the IP address of the hd homerun. Channels did not like that just had to restart channels on my Apple TV and it corrected. Also the address that it appeared for you looked more like a plex ip server address that could not be found. I need to create a static IP address for my hd homerun I believe to keep channels happy. After a router update the IP address for the hd homerun changed again and channels was upset once more. Hope this helps